8 Perfect Plants for Your Bathroom

Last Updated on January 10, 2025 by teamobn

Choose your bathroom plants with care.
Choose your bathroom plants with care.

You’d think bathrooms are the perfect environment for plants, but you need to choose with care. Even though you get an abundance of warm, humid air when someone is showering, bathrooms get much colder.

This is especially true at night. The temperature fluctuations are not ideal for plants. There is also the fact that many bathrooms receive little sunlight – if they have windows at all.

Do not despair if that is the case. Fluorescent bulbs will give off light in wavelengths some plants can use.

Choosing the Right Plants for Your Bathroom

Many bathrooms receive little sunlight if they have windows at all.
Many bathrooms receive little sunlight – if they have windows at all.

Of course, every bathroom is different. You will need to observe and judge the amount of light and warmth in yours before deciding what to grow.

Finding the right plant will require some gardening flair. You may need to move your plants around to find the ideal light. That can change from season to season.

You may need to move your plants around to find the ideal light.
You may need to move your plants around to find the ideal light in a bathroom. That can change from season to season. (Photo: Fabian Stroobants/Pexels)

Here are some suggestions for plants for your bathroom.


Ferns are a great option for your bathroom, especially the bird’s nest fern. This particular plant thrives in lower light environments, so if you want to brighten up a dimmer bathroom with a little greenery, this should be your first choice.

Ferns are a great option for your bathroom.
Ferns are a great option for your bathroom. (Photo: Brian Clark/Pixabay)

Aloe Vera

The Aloe Vera is a useful plant. The sap from the leaves can relieve the pain of scrapes and minor burns.

The plant also requires minimal care. Aloe prefers bright, indirect light. Too much direct sunlight can burn the leaves.

The Aloe Vera requires minimal care.
The aloe vera (left)requires minimal care. Aloe prefers bright, indirect light. Too much direct sunlight can burn the leaves. (Photo: Simkinseled/Wikimedia Commons)


Many types of begonias grow well in containers. The plants will thrive in the warmth and humidity of a bathroom shelf. They are colorful and grow well indoors. They can also flourish in low or indirect light.

Begonias will thrive in the warmth and humidity of a bathroom shelf.
Begonias will thrive in the warmth and humidity of a bathroom shelf. (Photo: Islav/Yayimages)

Chinese Evergreen

The Chinese Evergreen is a hardy and adaptable plant. This native of the tropical and sub-tropical regions will thrive even if you forget to water and feed it. They also survive well under fluorescent light.

The plant flourishes in humid environments, but will not survive cold temperatures or drafts. They grow well under low or indirect light.

The Chinese Evergreen is a native of the tropical and sub-tropical regions.
The Chinese Evergreen is a native of the tropical and sub-tropical regions. They survive well under fluorescent light. (Ongkek Ebuen/Pexels)


Orchids need moist soil and indirect light to thrive. We recommend growing these exotic blooms in a bathroom with a window to encourage growth.

Orchids need moist soil and indirect light to thrive.
Orchids need moist soil and indirect light to thrive. (Photo: Paula Paulsen/Pixabay)

Golden Pothos

The Golden Pothos will make itself at home in your bathroom, where it will thrive in the humid environment. This plant can handle anywhere from low to bright sunlight. That is, so long as the light is indirect.

The Golden Pothos will make itself at home in your bathroom.
The Golden Pothos will make itself at home in your bathroom. (Photo: Sandeep Handa/Pixabay)

Monstera Plant

The Monstera is always a stunner. This is a wonderful houseplant because it can thrive in a variety of environments, including your bathroom.

The Monstera can survive low light, although it will do better in brighter indirect light. The plant will thrive in any level of humidity, too.

The monstera is a  wonderful houseplant.
The Monstera is a wonderful houseplant because it can thrive in a variety of environments, including your bathroom. (Photo: Justynafaliszek/Pixabay)

Snake Plant

Snake plants look fabulous and require little maintenance. These plants are an excellent bathroom option because they thrive in any humidity level and can tolerate low or bright indirect light.

Snake plants will also survive on fluorescent light.

Snake plants look fabulous and require little maintenance.
Snake plants look fabulous and require little maintenance. (Photo:woodleywonderworks/Flickr)

Limited Space, High Impact!

Bathrooms tend to be on the smaller side. Space for greenery is often limited. That is why large or tall plants will often not work in that space.

However, plants will stand out wherever you put them.

For your bathroom, the best option is to choose plants that can sit on a shelf, hang from the ceiling, or trail down from a high perch. The windowsill is a great location for bathroom plants, particularly as they can enjoy some light there.

With these pointers in mind, don’t you think your bathroom is ready for a little greenery?



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