Trish House Yalding

Last Updated on February 8, 2018 by teamobn

Yalding, Kent, United Kingdom – Matthew Heywood 

Project Year :     2013

Yalding is a small village in Kent, England. It boasts of stone-built cottages for homes and Georgian buildings along the high street. A visit takes you back to a time when needs were simple and wants were basic.

True to form, this house is basic, with geometric exteriors, crisp and clean interiors, and a strong modern overall vibe. What remains obvious though is that the owner of this house wanted to make use of the sprawling green field the property sits upon by “letting the outdoors in” to the home.

Floor-to-ceiling windows and glass ceilings make this house very open – a feeling that, despite the huge open area surrounding the space, one is being closely watched.

Notes from the architect:

The design of the house developed in direct response to the site and its location within the beautiful village of Yalding in Kent. The building’s structure is composed to reflect the surrounding woodland with the raking columns representing the irregular angles of tree trunks and branches. Large expanses of glass fill the gaps between the structure and allow you to appreciate the landscape and setting as if you were peering out from between the trunks and branches of the trees. The traditional Kentish black and white weatherboarding represents the foliage wrapping the building and enclosing the spaces within. In contrast to the surrounding nature, the form and lines of the house are intentionally very geometric and crisp, creating a dialogue between the organic woodland and the modernist box.

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Exterior View :

Interior View :

Drawing View :

There are many beautiful houses in England, like this one from Snape Maltings.



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