The Wooden House

Last Updated on March 30, 2021 by teamobn

Kanji Dol, Slovenia –  studio PIKAPLUS

Built area:    82.0 m2
Year built:    2015
Photographs: Miha Bratina

The Wooden House is a striking hexagonal house in the middle of undulating hills. Its backdrop, a lush evergreen forest, makes the house picture-perfect.

A striking hexagon-shaped house in the middle of the forest.
A striking hexagon-shaped house in the middle of the forest.

Both inside and outside, the structure is clad in timber. The material was chosen for its ability to withstand harsh weather conditions. Timber also allowed the house to blend well with its surroundings. A glass-covered façade offers great views of the outside landscape.

A compact house with all the necessities for day-to-day living.
A compact house with all the necessities for day-to-day living.

Inside, the walls are made of softer and lighter timber. At the ground floor level, there’s the living room, dining room, and kitchen. There is also a bathroom with sauna.

The bedroom walls follow the slanted shape of the roof.
The bedroom walls follow the slanted shape of the roof.

The two bedrooms have slanted walls following the angle of the roof. Both are located upstairs and they overlook the ground floor.

Despite its compact size, the Wooden House has everything that the homeowners need.

Notes from the Architect:

Awarded 1st place nationally in 2016 for the best wooden construction in Slovenia, The Wooden House is a residential building embodying the elusive architectural quality of blurring the line between external and internal spaces. The Wooden House was designed with the intent to provide a resilient shelter from adverse weather, whilst creating the internal environment replicating the sensation of being outdoors. Soft wooden interiors are shielded by a durable outer shell.

Special consideration was given to the positioning of the house: situated in a natural environment at the verge of a large forest clearing, without disturbing the exceptional beauty of the landscape. With little room to maneuver, given the compact nature of the building plot, the focus was to utilize available space to serve the occupants’ wellbeing.The project used wood as the dominant material in order for the house to blend with the wooded background. Simplicity in the design of The Wooden House is complemented by the oblique lateral facade, adding captivating nuances.

All rooms with the exception of the bathroom face the sizable glass facade, letting in vivid colors and shapes of the natural surroundings. The living room, dining room, kitchen and bathroom with sauna are on the ground floor while two bedrooms are upstairs, overlooking the rooms in the ground floor. The landscaping design around the house respects the natural environment.

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Exterior Views:

Interior Views:

Drawing Views:

While the Wooden House stands surrounded by nature, the Dune House is half-sunk, partially embedded in the ground!



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