The Owner-Builder Network

The Water Temple

Last Updated on February 6, 2018 by teamobn

Ljubljana, Slovenia – Kieran Donnellan

Year built: 2012
Photography: Courtesy of Water Temple Workshop

MEDS – Meeting of design students – was founded in 2010 by students from different countries and different departments of design. It was created with the intention of integrating architecture, interior architecture, industrial design, graphic design into a cohesive group.

The Water Temple
The Water Temple

The ‘Water Temple’ was built during the MEDS, Meeting of Design Students, in Ljubljana during August 2012. It was a collaboration by 15 students and young graduates from the MEDS community and 2 representatives of project sponsor DamaHaus, a Slovenian construction firm. The team was led by Irish tutor Kieran Donnellan.

As a great fan of ‘quiet spaces’, I think this is beautiful.  I hope you enjoy it too!

Click on any image to start lightbox display.  Use your Esc key to close the lightbox.  You can also view the images as a slideshow if you prefer  8-)

The simplicity of this reminds me very strongly of the Darling Tea House


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