The Owner-Builder Network

Hat Tea House

Last Updated on February 5, 2018 by teamobn

Ostrava Czech Republic – A1 Architects

Does it seem a little incongruous to find a classical Japanese tea house in suburban Ostrava, Czech Republic?  Initially, probably, but why shouldn’t a Czech – or Briton, Canadian or New Zealander, seek the same sense of calm that the Japanese have found for centuries in their back yard tea houses?  And it seems that A1 have found a regular stream of clients wanting these quite spaces as this is the fourth one we’ve featured.  The design and construction follows Japanese tradition right down to the charred exterior.  We’ve listed the architect’s notes immediately below the images.

The Hat Tea House - A1 Architects
The Hat Tea House

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Architect’s notes:

“Hat” is the third tea house we have done. Like the previous tea houses offers space for meetings over a cup of tea or a nice refuge under the roof in a magical garden. Minimum house for meetings is a challenge for us to design a small, friendly space inside offers exceptional atmosphere – some inside secrets that one can enjoy only after entry, because inside there is a different view of the outside world. Teahouse “Hat” is yet our smallest building of this kind. The name stems from the high roof resembling a big hat in the garden. The interior of the range 1.80 x 1.80 m is due to the minimum size and offers a nice place for up to three guests and hosts. Sessions are customized requirements and available owners. Guests can sit on the wide deep bench from larch. “Hat” has a significantly elevated ceiling, almost square plan passes upward into the shape of a circular skylight. Gentle ceiling battens supported from the subtle impression of the sun’s rays, which enter into the area from the south through the cone skylight. Fireplace is due to the internal size suggested as a sliding drawer and is hidden under the desk.The remaining space under the desk is used as storage.Owners can fully enjoy views of the gardens, which house provides. Individual holes can cover up the external shutters and sliding windows according to their needs. The main view is oriented to unique picturesque garden to the west, where they are also visible on the horizon, now partially overgrown Ostrava heap. 

important role for us to design a tea house used material that is not only pleasing to the eye, but also to the touch, the material is naturally ageing. Most of the materials used is so natural character – different types of wood, rope or Sysalová fireplace made ​​of black steel. The roof is made ​​of larch shingles that naturally turn gray over time. The outer casing is made ​​from tanned shutters larch planks, which at the conclusion creates compact appearance of the building. The main structure is made ​​of solid oak. The inner surfaces of oak veneer then, larch bench with a distinctive texture and cladding, including larch flooring. Master of the building is again Vojta Bilišič with whom we work closely to other buildings and the “hat” and executed on the spot passed in the summer of 2010. 

Like the tea house in the garden and there was a great inspiration to us personally meeting with Japanese architect Terunobu Fujimori and visit his own tea house Taka-sugi-an in Nagano Prefecture. Even in Ostrava, we have designed our own interpretation on the subject, which is the traditional Japanese concept is very different. 

Another tea house from the same architect is The Black Tea House


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