The Owner-Builder Network

The Shearer’s Quarters

Last Updated on January 29, 2018 by teamobn

North Bruny Island  Tasmania  Australia – John Wardle Architects

Having spent a few weeks sailing around Bruny Island and the D’Entrecasteaux Channel, I can attest to the beauty of this area.  If it was a few degrees warmer in winter, I’d move there in a heartbeat.  In fact, if I could call The Shearer’s Quarters ‘home’, I might ignore the weather completely!

The Shearer’s Quarters
The Shearer’s Quarters

Traditionally, ‘shearer’s sheds’ were used a few weeks of each year by the itinerant groups of highly specialised workers who came in to shear the sheep of their ‘golden fleece’.  The sheds tended to be adequate but basic.

This take on the theme is still used by shearers when they come in but also doubles as a guest house for a lucky few.

Corrugated iron, local timbers and recycled apple crates are the predominant materials.  The view just adds to the glamour!

Please comment and share so we know what you think.  BTW – this part of the world is a nature-lover’s paradise.  For more information on the area, visit Bruny Island Tasmania

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