The Owner-Builder Network

Amazing Mosaic Bird Bath: Attractive 9-Step Decoration.

Last Updated on July 16, 2024 by teamobn

DIY Mosaic Bird Bath
Amazing Mosaic Bird Bath

Don’t know what to do with that old CD collection you don’t need anymore? Use them to attract birds to your garden by making a mosaic bird bath!

Mosaics were originally created to decorate buildings. They are created using small pieces of coloured stone, glass, or tile.

These small tiles can be arranged to create a picture, which can then be used to decorate floors, walls, and ceilings. But not only these, it can also be used to create a beautiful piece of art.

Bird baths, or birdbaths, are small garden pools that are filled with water for birds to drink and bathe in. They are typically fashioned from bronze, copper, cast iron, or stone and shaped like a shallow bowl.

But did you know that you can create a beautiful mosaic bird bath? Mosaic bird baths are best inclusion to your garden.

DIY Mosaic Bird Bath

Various materials use to create Mosaic Bird Bath

CD and DVDs

As I mentioned earlier, you can use various materials for a mosaic, but your old CD and DVD collection can be put to a good use when it comes to art.

CDs have a wonderful tint that is sure to make your bird bath stand out in your garden. CDs do in fact make a great garden decor. They have inlaid copper and silver and look like rainbows and fireworks in the water. The water reflects their multi-colored light and it is really pretty.

It’s an easy garden decor project that even lets you restore broken terra cotta saucers and turn them into something more beautiful!

Already used up all your DVD’s and CD’s for a different project? You can use other materials you might find in your storage, such as coloured glass or broken tiles.

Broken Tiles

Do you have extra unused tiles from your previous project? Do you have problems of storing them? Then you might want to consider making them mosiac bird bath pieces.

Doing some creative touches in your outdoor garden can give a unique touch to your backyard, you can use broken tiles to create a mosaic bird bath.

It is a great way to give new look to your outdoor area, it can be done in a classic or contemporary style. It would be interesting to give a unique look to the bird bath using a broken tiles.

Broken Glass

You can create a vivid mosaic bird bath. Choose colorful broken glass pieces of mosaic and use them to create a bird bath. This is not just a look of art but also a very functional bird bath. People can also use this to create a beautiful garden.

Stained glass is painted glass, typically used to decorate churches, and is a type of glass art. Glass artisans use stained glass painting techniques to create beautiful, intricate works of art.

Bird baths bring wildlife into a garden or backyard. These bathing boxes provide birds a place to get out of the elements. They are easy to maintain and have a myriad of uses. They are easily placed in a garden or yard.

Could your garden use one of these amazing bird baths? Then you can be creative as much as you can. These mosaic bird baths will surely be a hit! So grab your desired materials and start creating one!

Building a Mosaic Bird Bath



  • Scissors
  • Putty Knife


Step 1: Prepare Your Materials

  • Start by carefully washing your terra cotta saucer to get any grime or grease off. dry it entirely.
  • With scissors for the CDs and a putty knife or another blunt tool for the tiles and glass, break the DVDs/CDs, old tiles, and stained glass into smaller pieces. To guard your hands, don safety gloves.

Step 2: Design Your Pattern

  • To complete your mosaic design, arrange your shattered bits on the saucer without gluing them down. To design a visually appealing pattern, think on color choices and location.

Step 3: Apply Adhesive

  • Lift each piece gently once your pattern is set and dab a tiny bit of Liquid Nail on the underside. Revers it back on the saucer. Work your way outward starting from the saucer’s center.

Step 4: Let It Set

  • Following manufacturer advised drying times, let the glue completely dry to guarantee all pieces are firmly adhered.

Step 5: Apply Epoxy

  • Prepare the WaterWeld Epoxy according to the package instructions. Use the putty knife to apply the epoxy over the entire mosaic to fill in the gaps between the pieces. This will not only secure them further but also create a smooth surface for the bird bath.

Step 6: Clean Up

  • While the epoxy is still wet, clean up any excess with a damp cloth. Be careful not to disturb the arrangement of your mosaic pieces.

Step 7: Cure and Seal

  • Allow the epoxy to cure completely; this might take several hours or overnight, depending on the product specifications.
  • Once cured, spray the entire surface with a layer of Crystal Clear Spray to seal the mosaic and make it water-resistant. This will also give it a glossy finish and enhance the colors of your mosaic.

Step 8: Final Touches

  • After the sealant has dried completely, your mosaic bird bath is ready to be used. Place it in your garden and fill it with water.

Step 9: Maintenance

  • Regularly change the water in the bird bath and clean the saucer to keep it attractive and hygienic for birds.

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You can get more step-by-step instructions here

Benefits of Bird Baths to Local Wildlife

Bird baths are more than just charming garden ornaments; they are vital resources for various wildlife, especially in urban and suburban areas where natural water sources may be scarce. Among the different styles available, mosaic bird baths not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of gardens but also serve as crucial hydration and cooling stations for birds and other creatures.

Let’s explore the multiple benefits that bird baths, particularly mosaic bird baths, offer to local wildlife.

Attracting Diverse Bird Species

  • Encourages Bird Diversity Mosaic bird baths attract a wide variety of birds, from common backyard species to more rare and migratory birds that might not otherwise visit. The sight and sound of water draw them in, providing opportunities for bird watching and photography. Regular visitors might include songbirds, hummingbirds, and even birds of prey stopping by for a quick drink.
  • Supports Migratory Birds During migration, birds face arduous journeys and often traverse urban areas where natural resources are limited. Mosaic bird baths serve as critical rest stops where birds can replenish and rehydrate. Providing water can be just as important as providing food, especially in spring and fall migrations.

Enhancing Bird Health and Hygiene

  • Improves Hygiene and Health Bird baths allow birds to bathe, which is essential not only for feather maintenance and cleanliness but also for parasite control. A clean and well-maintained plumage is crucial for flight efficiency and insulation. Mosaic bird baths, with their often shallow and textured surfaces, are perfect for birds to splash and preen safely.
  • Reduces Disease Spread A clean bird bath also helps reduce the spread of diseases. Regular cleaning and changing of water prevent the buildup of pathogens that can cause diseases in bird populations. The smooth surface of mosaic tiles can be easily cleaned, ensuring that the water is fresh and safe for all visitors.

Supporting Local Biodiversity

  • Boosts Ecosystem Health By attracting birds, mosaic bird baths contribute to the health of local ecosystems. Birds play a key role in many ecological processes, such as pest control, seed dispersal, and pollination. By providing a reliable water source, bird baths help maintain the balance of these crucial activities.
  • Creates Miniature Wildlife Refuges In addition to birds, mosaic bird baths can attract other wildlife like butterflies, bees, and small mammals. These creatures use bird baths as water sources, especially in hot weather. By supporting a variety of species, bird baths can turn an ordinary garden into a vibrant habitat supporting diverse wildlife.

Promoting Environmental Awareness and Education

  • Fosters Environmental Stewardship Installing a bird bath, especially an attractive one like a mosaic bird bath, can increase awareness and interest in local wildlife and conservation efforts. They serve as a constant reminder of the presence and needs of wildlife, encouraging more nature-friendly practices in garden maintenance and beyond.
  • Educational Opportunities For families with children, mosaic bird baths provide excellent opportunities to teach about different bird species, their behaviors, and their needs. This hands-on learning can instill a lifelong interest in wildlife and conservation, promoting a more environmentally conscious future generation.

Enhancing Garden Aesthetics

  • Adds Beauty to Gardens Mosaic bird baths are works of art that enhance garden landscapes. The vibrant colors and intricate designs of the mosaic tiles can make the bird bath a focal point of any garden, adding visual interest and a touch of elegance.
  • Increases Property Value An attractive garden feature like a mosaic bird bath can also contribute to property value. Well-designed gardens that cater to wildlife are often more appealing to potential buyers who appreciate both aesthetics and environmental considerations.

Mosaic bird baths play a multifaceted role in local ecosystems by providing essential resources to wildlife, enhancing biodiversity, and promoting environmental education and awareness. Their beauty and functionality make them an invaluable addition to any garden, contributing to the well-being of the local wildlife and the broader environment.


Building a mosaic bird bath is a rewarding project that enhances both the beauty and ecological function of your garden. These artistic pieces attract a diverse array of wildlife, providing them with essential resources while adding a unique touch to outdoor spaces. Engaging in such a creative endeavor not only supports local biodiversity but also offers a personal sense of satisfaction through crafting and environmental contribution.


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