The Owner-Builder Network

Creative DIY Bicycle Planter

Last Updated on August 31, 2022 by teamobn

Creative DIY Bicycle Planter

Got an old bicycle that’s seen better days? Why not turn it into a garden decoration as a bicycle planter?

Bicycles are a cherished part of childhood for many people. They offer a sense of freedom and independence and are a great way to explore the world. For numerous children, a bicycle is their first taste of independence and responsibility.

Bicycles also offer a great way to exercise. Riding a bike is a low-impact form of cardio that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. Bicycling is also a great way to explore the outdoors and enjoy the fresh air.

Whether you’re reminiscing about your own childhood adventures on a bike, or you’re helping your child enjoy their first taste of independence, bicycles will always be a part of childhood.

There comes a time when that bicycle you enjoyed riding for years, needs to retire. You might even have that bike sitting in your garage right now. Don’t get rid of it yet because you can convert it into something beautiful and functional. You can upcycle your old bicycle into a lot of DIY bicycle projects.

Transforming an old bicycle into a bicycle planter!

You can also turn your old bicycle into a planter that also doubles as garden decoration! First, decide whether you want your bicycle planter fixed on the wall or part of your garden decoration. If you’re going to hang it on the wall, make sure you have a sturdy wall that can support the weight of your DIY planter.

You’ll also need to consider the height, so your plants can get the sunlight they need. You can attach the bicycle planter to a wall by creating a bike rack on the wall where you want your DIY planter to be.

If you’re placing your bicycle planter in the garden, make sure it’s in a spot that gets enough sunlight. You’ll also want to make sure it’s not in an area that gets too much foot traffic.

Even though your bike may have its own stand, you can further secure it by placing a metal rod to support it. This will help to prevent your bike from tipping over and ensure that it remains standing well.

Next, decide what flowers you are going to use with your bicycle planter. You’ll want to consider the size and location of your planter when selecting your flowers. For example, if you are using a small planter on the front of your bicycle, you may want to choose smaller flowers.

Some good choices for flowers that will do well in a bicycle planter include impatiens, petunias, and marigolds. All you need to prepare are baskets to hold the plant of your choice. This allows you to switch out plants to keep them colourful and seasonal.

Finally, you can now repaint your bicycle planter. There are two ways to do this, first, you can sand off the old paint, and then apply a coat of primer. Then, when the primer coat is dry, you can paint it with whatever colour you want.

Well, will you be transforming your old bicycle into a bicycle planter? If you can give an old bicycle a new life, imagine the possibilities with all that other ‘junk’ you’re thinking of throwing away!

We’re on the lookout for old bicycles, how about you?

DIY Bicycle Planter
DIY Bicycle Planter

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Source: Our Fairfield Home and Garden

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