7 Tips to Make Your Garage Door Last Longer

Last Updated on November 8, 2024 by teamobn

garage door
Being proactive with maintenance is a wise approach to avoid costly repairs and maintain your home’s security.

Being a crucial fixture found in nearly every household, the garage door requires regular upkeep for longevity. Garage doors are typically operated multiple times a day, ranging from at least two to a maximum of eight times. While durability hinges on usage, maintenance plays a vital role. Regular maintenance is essential for prolonging the lifespan of the door.

Garage Door Care: 7 Tips to Increase Durability and Longevity

Monitoring your garage door daily can alert you to potential maintenance needs. Pay attention to any unusual noises or changes in movement to determine if it is functioning as smoothly as when newly installed or if signs of stiffness require attention.

If any issues are detected, refer to the following list of ten essential maintenance tasks to extend the lifespan of your garage door. Implement these practices to save money by increasing the door’s longevity.

Maintain and Oil Moving Components

Ensuring well-lubricated parts reduces strain on the garage door opener and extends its lifespan. Lubrication should be applied to moving components like rollers and hinges biannually. For the rollers, use engine oil with a drop on each one for the rolling action to distribute the oil into the bearings effectively. Avoid using grease on rollers to prevent attracting dirt and track clogging.

Apply a spray lubricant, such as white lithium grease. Do this to the hinges that connect the door panels and wipe off any excess with a clean cloth. Improve the opener’s operation by lubricating the chain or screw with spray-on white lithium grease.

Always refer to the manufacturer’s manual before lubricating your garage door components to ensure you use the recommended lubricant or determine if specific parts do not require oiling. Get an overhead door as it is significantly less noisy and requires less maintenance than conventional ones. 

If you need further assistance, you can always contact a garage door repair company for commercial garage door service and repair to enhance your garage door’s lifespan.

Ensure the Tracks Are Clear

Tracks form part of the mechanism that facilitates the movement of the garage door, whether electric or manual. Proper garage door maintenance includes looking after these crucial components.

Keep them clean from grime, dirt, and dust accumulating over years of use. Bolts may gradually loosen over time due to the door’s weight during operation. Regular checks are necessary to ensure the door functions correctly and poses no risks.

When maintaining garage doors, tracks can be wiped down with a soft cloth soaked in warm, soapy water. Gently clean along the track to remove any dirt. For larger debris, using a vacuum with a brush attachment can help clean hard-to-reach areas. 

garage door
Monitoring your garage door daily can alert you to potential maintenance needs.

Test Balance

Ensuring your garage door is properly balanced is crucial. An unbalanced door can strain one side of the mechanism, leading to quicker deterioration and potential breakage. It may also cause harm, either to the door itself or to you. Checking for balance involves examining if the door opens smoothly, operates slowly, produces unusual sounds, or feels heavier than usual. To test the balance, shut yourself inside the garage and disconnect the motor if it’s electric. Evaluate the door’s balance by opening and closing it to observe if it moves freely and smoothly.

Additionally, try lifting the door halfway to assess its behavior. If it closes abruptly or springs open completely, it indicates an imbalance. Balancing garage door maintenance is best handled by professionals, so contact them promptly to address the issue.

Adjust the Cables

It’s generally advised not to tamper with garage door cables, but to ensure they function properly as part of garage door upkeep. Conduct a visual inspection to spot any frayed or kinked cables. Similarly, assess chains in electric garage doors to prevent snagging or looseness. Leave electric garage door issues to the experts.

Keep cables clean and debris-free; a quick wipe with a damp cloth may suffice to maintain their optimal performance. If cables detach from pulleys, reattach them after examining for any damage. Regular garage door maintenance is beneficial and could help prevent the need for professional assistance.

Try the Auto-Reverse Test

Auto-reverse is a safety mechanism that lifts the garage door automatically upon detecting an obstruction during closure, and it’s crucial to prevent potential harm to children and pets. Regular testing is vital for garage door upkeep. 

Place an object, like a brick, under the door to confirm it reverses upon contact. Clear the area and shut the door again, ensuring it reverses when your leg interrupts the light beam at the door’s base. This action is expected to trigger the reversal. 

Note that garage door openers older than 20 years may lack this safety function. In these instances, it’s advisable to contemplate replacing the garage door.

Paint the Garage Door

Painting your garage doors can prolong their lifespan, especially if your property is in an area prone to weather conditions that can harm their integrity and appearance. To prevent issues, use top-quality paint on your garage doors that can withstand various temperatures and weather. Shield your garage door from inclement weather throughout the year.

Tighten Hardware

With numerous components frequently used daily, it’s no surprise that the hardware on garage doors tends to become loose over time. This is an anticipated occurrence with no preventive measures available. However, it is crucial to address and rectify. Tightening the hardware is a quick task with significant benefits.

Focus on checking the bolts on the brackets that secure the rollers and hinges of the door sections. Sometimes, you may notice a slight movement in the hardware visually. Other times, the shift may not be visible but can be felt through the door’s operation.

When brackets and bolts are loose, the door will exhibit more vibrations than when everything is properly secured. Establishing a regular schedule to inspect and tighten the hardware is advisable. This maintenance task can be swiftly completed using a ladder, wrench, and a few minutes of your time.

garage door
The primary focus of garage door maintenance is to maintain cleanliness effectively.

Keep Doors Clean

The primary focus of garage door maintenance is to maintain cleanliness effectively. Fortunately, this task is one of the simplest in maintenance routines. When the surroundings are tidy, the garage door should operate smoothly without any obstacles hindering its function. Excessive debris or dirt often causes damage to garage doors, which could have been prevented through regular cleaning.

The track where the rollers glide is a key area to keep spotless. Dirt accumulation in the track can lead to roller blockages, which can strain the motor during door operation and potentially shorten its lifespan.

Regularly wiping down the rollers helps prevent grease or dirt build-up, ensuring smooth movement. Accumulated grime can hinder their motion, making it difficult to open the door. The advantage is that cleaning your garage door is a simple task that doesn’t require technical expertise. Water will typically suffice, but soap may be used for stubborn dirt.


By incorporating these clever garage door maintenance suggestions into your routine home care, you can extend the lifespan of your garage door, ensuring its safe and smooth operation. Being proactive with maintenance is a wise approach to avoid costly repairs and maintain your home’s security. Consider it as preventive care for your house.



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