The Owner-Builder Network

Weaving In The Woods

Last Updated on August 9, 2022 by teamobn

Weaving Studio – Prentiss Architects

Location:  San Juan Island, Washington State USA
Year Built:    2010
Built area:    1250 sq ft (116 m2)

I’ve only visited the San Juan Islands once. I was the guest of Ted Brewer, an extraordinary naval architect. I can’t recall how long the trip took from Seattle but it was worth every second.  The islands are gorgeous. Wet, but gorgeous!

Weaving in the Woods
Weaving in the Woods

They are also the trigger for ‘The Pig War’ – a war between Britain and the USA in which the only casualty was a pig! As a further piece of trivia, the dispute was settled by Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm on the 1st. True!  You can read about it here 🙂

Now, you ask, what has a dead pig got to do with The Weaver’s Studio? Nothing really, but it gives you an idea of how interesting these islands really are. Which, of course, is why people choose to live there.

One such person is the owner of this studio and home. A professional weaver, she contacted Prentiss Architects  requesting:

“a space where she could fit all her weaving tools such as the looms, the dying facilities, the sewing and assembling area as well as an office.”

The studio was to be used for crafting but also for meetings and displaying her work.  Additionally, the client requested a guest bedroom.

The result:

“A spacious studio with flowing natural light and ample display space. …… There are also some auxiliary spaces defined by the folding back of the exterior shell. One end features a bath and office while the other is a “wet room” that the owner uses for dying. Two additional spaces are also present: the sewing room and the guest bedroom.”

Ted Brewer would be in his element designing fabulous, superbly efficient sailboats in a studio just like this somewhere in the San Juan Islands!

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If you’re thinking about adding an office to your home, the Tetra-Shed is sure to stimulate your thinking…


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