The Owner-Builder Network

Two Families – One Patagonian Holiday Home

Last Updated on January 31, 2018 by teamobn

Rio Negro, Argentinean Patagonia  –  G2 estudio

Built Area:    396 m2  (4,277 sq. ft.)
Year Built:    2010
Materials:      Concrete, steel, local stone and timbers
Photography:  Laila Sartoni

Aptly named Ribbon House folds and bends to create a home as dramatically stimulating as the landscape within which it sits. The design explores another approach in architectural design, arguing that every expression of architecture should be as unique and unrepeatable as the owners.

The home is in a seismically active area so a major consideration was the structural integrity while still integrating the materials traditionally used in this area – timber and stone.

Ribbon House - Patagonia
Ribbon House – Patagonia

The owners of this vacation home are two families whose permanent home lies in the tropical paradise of Tahiti, French Polynesia. Anyone who has seen the art of Paul Gauguin has probably had vivid dreams of a lifetime of vacations in the South Pacific, but for those who live and work there, it seems other destinations beckon.

The client brief was for “a wide integrated space for leisure and recreation, two master-rooms, two bedrooms for the children, and all the necessary equipment for a holiday house…”

The home is criss-crossed internally by diagonal columns and windows with overlapping planes forming canopies and terraces with the exterior being wrapped in timber and stone.


“The initial idea comes from the juxtaposition of volumes, each containing different functions, on one hand the social life and in the others the private life. When this volumes meet each other, mixing the geometry and the space, it generate dynamic routes between the activity and rest areas of the house, that getting in tension they experiment the transition between being supported on the rock to raise into the sky searching perfect visuals.

The morphology and materials used, were thought to achieve that the strong became in fragile, the solid in ethereal, the supported in support, the dynamic in static, and vice versa.

So the house is a search between the balance, juxtaposition, ribbon, viewing-point, vital tour, and hug.”

While the home is certainly highly individual, it is full of interesting concepts and ideas.  What do you think?

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