The Owner-Builder Network

18.36.54 House

Last Updated on January 30, 2018 by teamobn

Rural Connecticut  USA  – Daniel Libeskind

Built area:     185 m2  (2,000 sq. ft.)
Year:     2010

Let’s not pretend here… we’re fairly certain that Daniel Libeskind’s starting fee is more than most of us will spend on our whole house.  In the past 15 years, he’s moved from relative obscurity as an academic, to one of the world’s most celebrated architects.  He is probably best known as the lead architect on the new World Trade Centre but he has many other extraordinary accomplishments behind him.

18.36.54 House - Connecticut, US
18.36.54 House

Like most ‘overnight successes’ it took Libeskind 25 years to achieve recognition of his skills. One reason is that his designs were often dismissed as either unbuildable or too assertive. Perhaps this home is the ultimate proof that nothing is ‘unbuildable’ if you have the right vision and budget.

Sheathed in bronzed stainless steel, the home is comprised of 18 planes, 26 points, and 54 lines.  Every component follows the theme, right down to the tap ware which Libeskind also designed.  Before taking you to the image gallery, here is the architect talking about the project:

Click on any image to start lightbox display.  Use your Esc key to close the lightbox.  You can also view the images as a slideshow if you prefer 8-)


Another home that will definitely stretch your perceptions of architecture is Under the Arches in London


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