Last Updated on February 3, 2025 by teamobn
Stocksundstorps Sweden – BA Sjösteen
Lot area: 1628 sqm
Built area: 257 m2 (2,775 sq. ft.) of living + 67 m2 (723 sq. ft. storage/basement)
Year Built: 2004
Year Renovation: 2009-2010
Traditional homes always seem sturdy and substantial. Of course the reason might just be that those that were never sturdy and substantial have long since been replaced. Fortunately, this one, with its desirable location in Stocksundstorps on a large corner lot facing south, is still here to remind us of a past era. The villa, featuring both Art Nouveau and National Romanticism styles, was designed by architect BA Sjösteen and named after his son Alf to “Villa Alfhem”.
The renovation has retained all the feel of the original features and floor plan including the original windows, walk-in closets, fireplaces, balconies and a large garden with paved patio complete with a play house.
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Villa Alfhem is currently available for purchase. The broker is Per Janssen.