The Owner-Builder Network

Ken Johnson’s Incatrole

Last Updated on January 25, 2018 by teamobn

Byron Hinterland – NSW Australia  –  Designed and owner-built by Ken Johnson

Site:     2 hectares  (5 acres)
Built area – main home:     540 m2 (5832 sq. ft.)

The Byron hinterland has one of the world’s best climates with mild winters and comfortable summers. It’s a place of great scenic beauty and clean air.  It’s an area that’s attracted a very strong art community. Internationally recognised painter and sculptor, Ken Johnson is among them. Although he recently sold this home, it will always be his as he designed and hand-built it.

Ken Johnson outside his sculpture studio on the property
Ken Johnson outside his sculpture studio on the property

The entire property is a work of art – home, two studios, garden and a guest cottage (not shown here). The artists’s extensive travels through and his love of India reflect throughout the home. Rajistani details include 1000 year old sandalwood columns which frame the large central living space and the heart of this magnificent home, 500 year old doors, hand made basins and the blue & white decorative tile detailing found around the fireplace and in the kitchen.

We think it is a wonderful monument to the craft of owner-building and hope that you do too. There are 30 images over two pages.  Click on any image to start lightbox display.  Use your Esc key to close the lightbox.  You can also view the images as a slideshow if you prefer  8-)


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