The Owner-Builder Network

Adelaide’s Bridge House

Last Updated on January 31, 2018 by teamobn

The Bridge House   –   Max Pritchard Architects

Photography:   Sam Noonan

Adelaide has surprisingly cool winters and distinctly hot summers.  Most people turn to energy consuming appliances to fight nature – air conditioners and gas or electric heating.  This home uses neither.  And, as you can see, it leaves the land on which it sits, virtually undisturbed so that nature can continue to enrich our environment.

Bridging the gap in Adelaide...
Bridging the gap in Adelaide…

There is no doubting that that creek will have its “100 year flood”, but the house levels would have taken that risk into account as would the engineering. Even in a storm, it would be amazing to sit in the home watching the water surging beneath the floors.

“An idyllic site of winter creek, billabong, large river red gums, dense wattles and rocky banks called for a house that would “touch the earth lightly”. The solution, a narrow bridge like structure spanning the creek providing the experience of living amongst the trees in an almost untouched beautiful setting.

Winter sun through the north facing windows heats the black concrete floor for reradiaiton at night. A wood combustion heater supplements the natural passive heating. Double glazing to the living area helps retain the heat. Perforated steel louvres shade the north windows in summer. The narrow plan form allows cross ventilation and is combined with ceiling fans to provide sufficient cooling for summer comfort. Solar hot water heating and photovoltaic cells positioned on the garage roof compliment the sustainable character of the house.”

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