The Owner-Builder Network

Mobile Dwelling Unit

Last Updated on February 1, 2018 by teamobn

New York, United States – LOT-EK

Built area: 46 m2 (500 sq. ft.)
Year built: 2003
Photography: Walker Art Center

In recent years, ‘slide-out’ sections in mobile homes and caravans have become common place but 10 years ago the design team of  Ada Tolla and Giuseppe Lignano developed this ground-breaking design…

Mobile Dwelling Unit - LOT-EK
Mobile Dwelling Unit – LOT-EK


“One shipping container is transformed into a Mobile Dwelling Unit. Cuts in the metal walls of the container generate extruded sub-volumes, each encapsulating one living, working or storage function. When traveling, these sub-volumes are pushed in, filling the entire container. They then interlock with each other, leaving the outer skin of the container flush to allow worldwide standard shipping. When in use, all sub-volumes are pushed out, leaving the interior of the container completely unobstructed with all functions accessible along its sides. The interior of the container and the sub-volumes are fabricated entirely out of plywood and plastic coated plywood, including all fixtures and furnishings. The MDU was originally conceived for individuals constantly moving around the globe. The MDU travels with its dweller to the next long term destination, fitted with all live/work equipment and filled with the dweller’s belongings. However, it is easily configured for permanent residency.”

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