The Owner-Builder Network

Pallet Vertical Herb Garden – 2 Easy Steps

Last Updated on September 16, 2024 by teamobn

Vertical Pallet Herb Garden
Pallet Vertical Herb Garden

If you’re short on garden space but love the idea of fresh herbs, this simple pallet project could be the answer.

A vertical herb garden is a growing trend in the urban gardening/homesteading community. With a vertical herb garden, you can grow a wide range of greens and herbs, with just a little bit of space, and even in the city.

These small-space gardens provide an organic alternative to traditional gardening (but can still be grown in the ground if you prefer). A vertical herb garden is great for apartment dwellers, backyard gardeners, and anyone who doesn’t have a lot of space for their garden.

We love our gardens. There is always a sense of contentment and tranquillity that comes from observing either a single flower or the patchworks of colour and texture in a well-tended garden.

The same feeling comes from seeing fresh herbs spilling green and sweet-smelling out of a container. We simply can’t get enough of it.

While you may think we’re presenting the idea to look easy, we agree that working with pallets is almost always a challenge. But if you have a pallet breaker this project will get a lot easier! (Learn more about DIY pallet breakers here.)

Planning on using pallets to make your space-saving vertical herb garden? Don’t forget to choose the right kind of pallet. Though the wood here doesn’t come in contact with the plants and soil, chemicals present in some pallets can still contaminate your herbs!

Think this is the right kind of vertical herb garden for you? Then learn how to do it now! 🙂

Revamped Pallets

All you have to do is revamp the old pallets by replacing bad boards with new ones and attach two wooden legs on the sides below to make them stand.

It’s always fun to turn anything old into new. Pallets are just the perfect thing for you to make a vertical pallet planter with. Repurposing old pallets is eco-friendly and budget-friendly too.

Working with the power tools (saw for cutting pallet templates for your project, drill and screws for attaching the parts ) may speed up the process of assembling your vertical herb garden.

For your vertical herb garden to be effective, it does not need to be a permanent fixture in your kitchen. This means that you will need a vertical garden that is sturdy enough to stand alone.

Make sure that you choose a vertical garden that will be able to stand up to the elements securely without being mounted to a wall or a table.

Paint the pallet, label, or design it to your liking and you’re done!

Painting your pallet is a great idea, you have a good framework to start with. But, make sure you use high-quality paint and coat it twice.

If you use cheaper paint, no matter how well you paint the pallet, the paint will give out and you’ll be left with a rusting mess of a pallet.

The more expensive paints will last a long time. If you have a lot of money to spare you can buy plastic coatings to cover your pallet.

Adding labels to your vertical herb garden will avoid confusion on what herbs you planted.

What do you think of this vertical herb planter? Is it a go?


  • Used Pallets (in good condition)
  • 1×4 Boards (from previous projects, in case of replacements)
  • Long Screws
  • Wood Glue
  • Paint of your choice
  • Vinyl or Stencil for labelling the herbs


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Thanks to Pink When for this great project! You can get step-by-step instructions here

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