The Owner-Builder Network

Y7 House floats on a mountain

Last Updated on January 30, 2018 by teamobn

Nagasaki  Japan  –  Show Architect

Site area:     284 m2  (3,067 sq. ft.)
Building envelope:     95.5 m2   (1,031 sq. ft.)
Built area:     89.4 m2  (966 sq. ft.)
Photography:     Blitz STUDIO Toshihisa Ishii

This timber home sits on the side of a mountain offering panaoramic views over Omura Bay. The objective was to minimise site disturbance in order to retain the integrity of the site from both engineering and environment viewpoints.

Y7 House by Masahiko Sato cantilevers to minimise site disturbance
Y7 House by Masahiko Sato cantilevers to minimise site disturbance

From the architect:

“The overriding concept is to harmonize buildings and surrounding natural environment without destroying the original natural landscape. In order not to damage the sloping land, I made basis protrude from flat terrain and designed one part of house floating from ground and extending out into the air. I also spread a planting net and performed planting of a lawn. By this way, I harmonize the house and surrounding natural environment with floating house in natural terrain.

To make the facade a sharp 3D impression, I designed protruded part of the outer walls in white color and recessed parts in a gray.

I paid much effort on hiding lighting equipment and the air-conditioner so as to make a simple space. The owner will enjoy wonderful views of glamorous Omura Bay while still being able to harmonize with nature.”

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