The Owner-Builder Network

A Tiny Cabin in Maine

Last Updated on January 30, 2018 by teamobn

Ragged Island  Maine  USA – Alex Scott Porter Design

Built:   2009
Area:   30m2 (360 sq ft) + veranda and outhouse of 14m2 (160 sq ft)

Deciding to build on a small island 20 miles off the coast brings a few challenges with it.  Having to ship everything on an amphibious barge is only the start.  Of course, the island is off the grid and grey and black water were an issue with the rocky lot.

A Tiny Cabin in Maine
A Tiny Cabin in Maine

The rugged environment demanded equally rugged materials and iron become the obvious choice.  Roller shutters offer maximum protection against severe weather while maximising light and ventilation when not needed.

The home was 40 years in the planning (dreaming?) and the result is a lovely green retreat that makes the most of the site and the views while minimising the environmental impact.

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Another tiny, waterfront home that might inspire you is the Tiny Beach House on Rails


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