Last Updated on February 1, 2018 by teamobn
Tosu,Saga Japan – Architect Show
Year Built: 2013
Photography: Blitz STUDIO Toshihisa Ishii
House of Polygon
This house was built in the subdivision in Tosu in Saga. A lots of Subdivision was homogenize site, and also houses were similar environment. D-house(House of Polygon) concept was unique house in among them.
Interior space has become a spatial composition which kept variability, because we doesn’t like use a partition wall which is fixed. The three-dimensional façade created by retracting the first floor emphasizes the volume of the second floor, also which works with the contrast of black and white in the unicursal lines adds a profound feeling. Is provided with a light court, to incorporate into the interior light and wind. Interior space has become a spatial composition which kept variability, because we doesn’t like use a partition wall which is fixed. Among site is narrow, to achieve maximum use of the space by utilizing the most on-site, and to have variability in the internal space.