Ranch House Explorations: Unraveling the Beauty of Architectural Design

It's not just architecture; it's a vibe.

Curious about how those laid-back ranch houses, the OGs of suburban living, kicked off their journey? Hop in a time machine and zoom back to the rad 1920s when these single-story were charmers. Imagine a world where flapper dresses were all the rage, jazz tunes ruled the radio waves, and the humble ranch house made […]

Log Cabin Construction Tips and Tricks for a Sturdy Build

Live harmoniously with nature, as log cabins provide a serene connection to the great outdoors.

Dreaming of a snug log cabin in the woods? You’re not alone! Log cabins, the OG in cozy living, have been a go-to for homes and vacay spots for ages. But, let’s be real – turning that dream into reality? A bit of a rollercoaster! From picking materials to nailing a rock-solid foundation, building a […]