The Owner-Builder Network

Bowen Mountain House – a lifetime away from Sydney

Last Updated on October 24, 2016 by teamobn

Bowen Mountain NSW  Australia – CplusC Architecture

We probably all have a different image of what a mountain home looks like.  Of course, by world standards, Australian mountains are nothing more than big hills, but a weekend retreat just 80 kilometres (50 miles) from Sydney would be on many Sydneysider’s wish list. The air is cool and clean, the traffic is non-existent and the pool is calling.

The pool is calling...
The pool is calling…

We’ll let the architect do the talking:

“Conceived as a simple weekender, this pavilion house grew to include extensive landscaping, swimming pool, pool house and sauna, with spectacular results. An existing hut was retained on-site, recognising traditional construction methods and local materials. A courtyard serves as the entry point to the home, connecting the new sustainable home to the hut. An extensive use of glazing provides a 360° aspect of the site from the indoors, while outdoor decks and terraces respond to the site’s natural topography, allowing both to merge seamlessly and exist harmoniously with the surrounding bush.”

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Another very natural, Australian retreat you’ll enjoy viewing is The Trunk House



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