The Owner-Builder Network

The Hobbit House

Last Updated on January 30, 2018 by teamobn

Wales – Simon Dale

What do you get when you cross a minimum budget with a maximum concern for the environment – a low impact woodland home.

Are you a hobbit at heart or is a royal palace more your thing?
Are you a hobbit at heart or is a royal palace more your thing?

Using almost entirely recycled materials, or resources already on site, Simon Dale and Jasmine Saville built their hobbit home in only 4 months and on a $3000 budget with their main tools being a chainsaw and a 1″ chisel.

A lot of enthusiasm, help from Jasmine’s father, occasionally from friends and even passers-by, generated this amazing example of sustainability. The unique house is a combination of construction techniques – dry stone walling, straw bale, roundwood frame and a recycled timber floor that sits on pallets destined as land-fill!

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