How to Prepare for Emergencies in the Great Outdoors

Outdoors Emergencies

No one wants to figure in a situation where the need to call for emergency help is necessary. But if you are a hiking novice or are a newcomer to the outdoors, it’s vital that you are equipped for such a scenario.

Best DIY Portable Tin Can Rocket Stove Ideas

Are you planning your next camping trip? Butane canisters for your portable stove need to be bought and carted. There’s a much better alternative! Next time you head off for a camping trip, why not make your own portable tin can rocket stove? Rocket stoves are an excellent example of appropriate technology that costs you next […]

Glamping in Bordeaux!

Glamping in Bordeaux!

Bordeaux,  France – Bruit do Frigo OK – so like me you’re probably curious about a company that calls itself ‘Noise from the Fridge”.  My French and Google Translate aren’t enough to answer all the questions I had but here is the summary… In a fascinating experiment, these shelters are being built around the periphery […]